how to
Prepare for
your reading


ahead of our session:

Please make sure you are in a comfortable and quiet setting with minimal distractions and a strong wi-fi connection.

All sessions are for one person only unless you booked a group session - Additionally, it’s important that you are in your space alone so I do not pick up on other energies.

Please arrive to our session sober, as working with you in an unaltered state is important for the quality and clarity of your messages.

You’ll have the option to record the session, but I also recommend having a notebook handy for anything you wish to remember. Ahead of the session, consider journaling down a few questions you'd like to ask as it's easy to forget when in the moment!

Lastly, the best readings occur when my clients place clear intentions prior to working with me and Spirit. Although it's not mandatory, I recommend taking time to meditate on what areas in life you are seeking more clarity on. There is no formal way to do this - simply set your intentions into the Universe through any mode that feels organic to you (writing, prayer, etc.)


the less I know, the better…

As your reader, I prefer to work unbiased as it allows the messages to be clearer. This is one of the reasons that I only require your first name or an alias when you book a reading.

Whether you are a new or regular client, I will always begin our reading with no information given from your side.

I’ll ask that you reply with “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, or “I don’t know” when I relay the messages I recieve. Once the messages feel complete to me, I’ll hand it over to you to ask specific questions and we’ll go from there!


I look forward to reading for you!