cartomancy & intuitive reading

A 12-week journey that takes the student through the esoteric roots of the Tarot & methods on how to read it effectively. This course is for anyone seeking a comprehensive deep-dive of the Tarot & a stronger intuition & confidence in reading cards for others.

Topics & experiences within the weekly 2-hour sessions include:

  • history & social influences of cartomancy

  • principles of Hermeticism in relation to the Tarot

  • principles of numerology in relation to Tarot

  • understanding the suits of the minor arcana

  • mastering the story of the major arcana

  • astrological connotations within the Tarot

  • working with card spreads & creating offerings

  • intuitive reading vs. oracle reading

  • reading for & working with live sitters

This course also contains:

  • Admission to monthly Psychic Development Circles or Meditations

Course investment: 12 weekly payments of $200 (total cost of $2400 USD)